Depuis cet été, la Régie dispose d'un nouveau site de vente en ligne. Pour les détenteurs d'un compte, merci de réinitialiser votre mot de passe (en cliquant sur mot de passe oublié).
On, you can benefit of exclusive web discounts:
The MONDAY'S DISCOUNT: Every Mondays during winter (except during french school holidays), enjoy 1-Day skipass for only €32 instead of €42,50 (adulte) and €25 instead of €33,50€ (teenagers / students et seniors). So do not wait any longer, Monday we ski! To benefit from the discount, the Monday skipass must be purchase by midnight at the latest the day before.
The WEEKEND'S DISCOUNT: Every weekend during winter, enjoy 2-consecutive days skipass for only €70,50 instead of €85 [winter 2024-2025 price]
So do not wait any longer, come ski during weekends!
The STUDENT'S OFFER: Enjoy discounted prices in Chamrousse with the "week" offer, valid weekdays only, expect weekends, public holidays and french school holidays:
1 Day alpine student skipass: €19 instead of €33,50
4 Hours alpine student skipass: €15 instead of €28,50
To benefit of the discount, make your purchase by midnight at the latest the day before.
Zahlungsmöglichkeiten :
Conditions générales de vente
Mentions légales
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